Reiki for peace & clarity in stressful times


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These can be stressful times!

There's a contentious election coming up, and many of us are feeling anxious and worried about how things will play out.

The holidays are right around the corner, and for all the joy the holidays bring, they can also bring worry and frustration, and they can bring up unhealed wounds and resentments from the past.

Polling shows that anxiety and depression are higher than normal - a truth many of us can recognize in society, in our families, and in ourselves.

In stressful times like these, one powerful resource is Reiki energy healing.

Reiki energy healing can help you feel more peace and clarity in these stressful times.

Instead of snapping at your loved ones, you can calmly and directly speak your truth instead.

Instead of spinning out in what ifs and what abouts, you can focus on the task in front of you while keeping the big picture in mind.

Instead of numbing out with wine or social media, you can step outside and enjoy a refreshing walk in the autumn air.

Reiki helps you feel more like you.

At this event, you will:

  • meet 3 local Reiki masters
  • learn about Reiki and its benefits
  • enjoy a brief guided meditation
  • receive a 10-minute Reiki treatment
  • ask any questions you have about Reiki and how it can serve you

The cost is $10. You'll receive a payment link when you register.

The event is limited to 12 attendees. Register and pay today to secure your spot!



Joseph Clarke - spiritual flourishing

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