the two kinds of suffering


In life, there are two kinds of suffering: necessary suffering, and unnecessary suffering.

Necessary suffering is the pain you feel in your heart. This is your "karma," your unresolved feelings about the past. It's the "hard feelings" you have toward the people and events that hurt you. It's the pain you're meant to heal through your heart.

Unnecessary suffering is mind-generated suffering. Common forms of unnecessary suffering include dread, terror, hopelessness, and worthlessness. It's the suffering that stems from the mind's stories and beliefs about your past traumas. It's the suffering you're meant to reduce by becoming more mindful.

As a spiritual healer and guide, I empower you to reduce your unnecessary suffering through mindfulness and to heal your necessary suffering through your heart.

That way, you break your limiting and destructive cycles, freeing you to live with more health, authenticity, creativity, and purpose.

Instead of reaching for a glass of wine to numb your pain, you can sign up for the wildlife photography class you've been dreaming about.

Instead of waiting for things to get better with your daughter, you can meet her for lunch and begin the healing process.

Instead of taking out your work frustration on your spouse and kids, you can sign up for the adult soccer league in your local park - you have fun, get your exercise, tap into your competitive juices, and then return home feeling more like the real you.

Your heart knows the changes you want to make.

The problem is, your heart is surrounded by suffering, and all that noise makes it hard to recognize and trust your heart's voice.

I empower you to reduce your unnecessary suffering through mindfulness and to heal your necessary suffering through your heart.

That way, you live less from fearful reactivity and more from your wise, resourceful, and compassionate heart.

Sign up today for your free consultation. Let's discuss how you can start suffering less and enjoying more.



PS: another powerful healing resource is my book, SOL: supportive guidance for healing & awakening. SOL provides spiritual wisdom, practical guidance, and inspirational poetry - that's right, poetry! - to strengthen your connection to your beautiful, powerful heart. SOL guides you faithfully to your heart, and your heart guides you faithfully through life. Buy your copy today!

Joseph Clarke - spiritual flourishing

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