a treasure trove of insights & wisdom


My book, SOL, was recently reviewed by Literary Titan!

The reviewer did an excellent job describing SOL and conveying its many benefits to readers.

Here's my favorite quote:

SOL is a treasure trove of spiritual insights and practical wisdom. It is particularly suited for those who are at a crossroads, individuals facing health challenges, or anyone embarking on a journey of personal transformation. Its lessons are universal yet deeply personal, and Clarke’s compassionate voice assures us that healing is within reach, inviting us to explore the depths of our own spirits with courage and hope.

Read the full review here! https://literarytitan.com/2024/08/30/sol-supportive-guidance-for-healing-awakening/.

I wrote SOL to help you rediscover who you truly are and to teach you how you to heal your inner pain through your bottomlessly loving heart.

If you're struggling with addiction, SOL will help you trace your addiction to its roots in fear and ego, empowering you to break free from your stuckness and to live more from peace, clarity, and love.

If you're grappling with unresolved feelings from the past, SOL will help you find the path to healing in your heart, so you can heal the past, make amends, and live more capably and confidently in the here-and-now.

If you're obsessing over worries about the future, SOL will teach you powerful, easy-to-learn methods for reconnecting with the present moment through the heart, enabling you to rechannel that anxious energy into mindful presence and productive action.

Open SOL today and discover your healing path within!



Joseph Clarke - spiritual flourishing

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