drowning in life? learn to surf life's waves


Here's a quote I love from the mindfulness teacher Jon Kabat-Zinn:

You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.

I've found this guidance profoundly wise and helpful.

We may fantasize about a life that's free from stresses and difficulties.

In reality, life rarely plays out that way.

And this is a good thing!

If life was cupcakes and rainbows all the time, we would experience tremendous pleasure - but would we really grow? Would we mature, learn valuable life lessons, and develop a richer appreciation for the beauty and mystery of being alive?

Life's many challenges are like forks in the road.

If we approach them with the attitudes of fear and scarcity, we'll lose ourselves in doubt, discouragement, and despair, and we'll feel like we're drowning in life's difficulties. Life will pass us by, and at the end we'll wonder what all the struggling and suffering was for.

If we approach life's challenges with the attitudes of courage and confidence, we'll discover new ways to grow, mature, and enrich ourselves. By embracing life exactly as it is, we allow life to teach us, heal us, and empower us. We rediscover life as a teacher, a gift, and a friend.

Through my one-to-one services, I'll help you cultivate the attitudes of courage and confidence by strengthening your connection to your heart. That way, instead of drowning in the sea of life's troubles, you can surf the waves of life's challenges, freeing you to appreciate and enjoy life more. This benefits not only you, but also your friends, family, co-workers, and everyone else who comes into contact with you and your energy. It's a gift you give to yourself and to all the other people in your life.

I also offer group sessions, and today I want to tell you about a group session that's coming up in early October:

Here's the registration link: https://josephclarke-spiritualflourishing.ck.page/7bcfd89693

The event is limited to 12 participants; register today to secure your spot.

I created this group session specifically for folks who are undergoing a spiritual awakening.

Spiritual awakening is when you begin to experience radical shifts in your perspective and your sense of self. It can feel like a combination of (a) losing your mind, and (b) discovering a new, more dynamic way of experiencing life.

I created this group so that folks undergoing a spiritual awakening have a safe, supportive space to share their experiences and to hear about the experiences of others. Through the combination of sharing and listening, you feel heard and understood, you connect with other people in the spiritual awakening community, and you discover new tools and resources that can serve you on your awakening path.

The waves of spiritual awakening can be big, relentless, and unpredictable. I speak from experience!

The more resources you have available to you, the more friends you have to lean on for support, and the more opportunities you have to share your unique awakening story, the easier it becomes to stop drowning in life's waves and to start surfing them instead.

If you're tired of drowning in life's difficulties, and if you want to surf the waves of life instead, here are two simple actions you can take today:

Let's discuss how you can stop drowning and start surfing.



PS: reading my book, SOL, is another way to stop drowning in life's waves and to start surfing them instead. As one reviewer wrote:

SOL is an oasis in a hectic and confusing world, a model for softer and gentler living and a pathway to better understand why we hurt and how we can heal.

In SOL, you'll find a combination of spiritual wisdom, practical guidance, and inspirational messages that will empower you to live less from fearful reactivity and more from loving authenticity. Learn more about SOL at my website and buy your copy of SOL today!

Joseph Clarke - spiritual flourishing

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