overcome the drain of anxiety


Anxiety is a leak in your energy pipe.

Instead of pouring energy into the present moment, you're spilling precious energy into worries about the future.

This leakiness compromises your ability to connect, perform, and enjoy the moment.

You're playing with your 4-year old daughter on the living room floor. While she's putting together a puzzle, you're fretting about a work presentation that's coming up in three days. When she looks at you, she sees you staring vacantly and going through the motions. She feels like you're not really there with her. She quits the puzzle halfway through.

You're working your way through a sink full of dishes. While your hands are scrubbing the greasy pot, your mind is shuffling through various worries about money. Instead of enjoying the simple pleasure of working in the bubbles and warm water, you're tightening your jaw and grinding your teeth. With your attention divided, you forget to scrub the underside of the pot - again. When your wife sees the messy stains, she shakes her head and gives you the look.

You're driving to the veterinarian's office to pick up your cat. Suddenly a text notification pings on your phone. You see it's from your husband. You two have been arguing for the past few days. Your mind races with possibilities - is he apologizing? is he digging in? what should I say? As you frantically reach over to open the message and read what it says, you don't notice the traffic light ahead turning yellow. Do you look up in time to catch the light turning red? Or do you run the red light and put yourself at the mercy of the drivers around you?

Don't let anxiety drain you and ruin your life.

Overcome your anxiety. Pour less energy into worrying and more energy into doing what you love.

Give your daughter a high-five as you finish that puzzle together.

Scrub that greasy pot with an artist's touch.

Check your husband's text message only after you've parked at the vet's office and taken a deep, refreshing breath.

I'll help you overcome your anxiety.

Through Reiki energy healing, I'll relieve your anxiety so you can experience more peace and clarity.

Through mindfulness coaching, I'll empower you to regulate your anxiety so you can cultivate more calm and focus in stressful situations.

Through heart-to-heart dialogue, I'll help you resolve your anxiety by holding a safe, supportive space for you to discover, explore, honor, and release your anxiety's roots.

Sign up today for your free consultation. Let's discuss how you can overcome anxiety and experience more connection, success, and enjoyment.



PS: if you live in the San Diego area, join me for a group Reiki event on November 8th! Experience firsthand how Reiki can help you overcome anxiety and enjoy more peace and clarity. Register today!

Joseph Clarke - spiritual flourishing

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