your free Reiki session awaits


In two days, I'll be hosting a free event where you can experience the healing power of Reiki!

when: Thursday, September 5th, 12:00 - 1:15pm

where: Solana Beach Public Library: 157 Stevens Avenue, Solana Beach, CA 92075

This event is limited to the first 17 attendees who sign up: register today to secure your spot!

At this event, you will:

  • meet three local Reiki masters
  • learn about Reiki and its benefits
  • experience Reiki energy healing yourself!

Reiki delivers powerful, sometimes incredible results.

I've seen Reiki lift a client out of severe medication side effects. Before, she was in such agony she couldn't open her eyes or speak. After 20 minutes, she was clear-eyed and telling me she felt "the touch of God."

I've seen Reiki produce a mystical state where my client felt "enveloped in a bubble of love."

I've seen Reiki help a client gradually break his pattern of lashing out at his kids.

How will Reiki soothe, heal, and empower you?

There's only one way to find out!

Register today to experience the healing power of Reiki!



Joseph Clarke - spiritual flourishing

Read more from Joseph Clarke - spiritual flourishing
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Reader, Click here to register! These can be stressful times! There's a contentious election coming up, and many of us are feeling anxious and worried about how things will play out. The holidays are right around the corner, and for all the joy the holidays bring, they can also bring worry and frustration, and they can bring up unhealed wounds and resentments from the past. Polling shows that anxiety and depression are higher than normal - a truth many of us can recognize in society, in our...

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Joseph Clarke - spiritual flourishing: supportive spiritual guidance Reader, In life, there are two kinds of suffering: necessary suffering, and unnecessary suffering. Necessary suffering is the pain you feel in your heart. This is your "karma," your unresolved feelings about the past. It's the "hard feelings" you have toward the people and events that hurt you. It's the pain you're meant to heal through your heart. Unnecessary suffering is mind-generated suffering. Common forms of...

Joseph Clarke was recently a guest on The Way of the Heart podcast!

Joseph Clarke - spiritual flourishing: supportive spiritual guidance Reader, Are you curious about the spiritual awakening process? Do you want a richer appreciation of the relationship between your mind and your heart? Are you seeking a clearer understanding of the roles fear and ego play in your life? Do you want to hear an engaging, heartfelt conversation about life, love, and personal transformation? If so, I encourage you to listen to my recent appearance on The Way of the Heart podcast...